360 Focus Mental Health Focuses on Prevention, Instead of Only Intervention
Mental Health Prevention: The Missing Link to Overall Wellness
By the time a child is 5 years old they know how to brush their teeth twice a day and use a bandaid but what do they know about taking care of their emotional hygiene? When was the last time you took care of your mental health?
How Is My Mental Health Quiz
This Quiz will help you to understand more about your mental health
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How many times last week did you take 15 minutes for yourself?
How many new things have you learned this month?
When was the last time you memorized a phone number, address or poem?
When did you last take time to teach a skill to someone?
Have you learned a new word lately to build your vocabulary?
Have you done an activity for each of your 5 senses this month ? Texting doesn’t count 😉
You are important and your mental health could use a lot more of your time so that you stay positive and healthy. Start by planning 15 minutes of time for yourself this week and challenge yourself to say something kind to yourself in the mirror each morning before leaving the house. These small steps could really have you feeling more empowered and continue to keep you moving in a healthy direction.
You are important and your mental health could use quite a bit more of your attention daily so that you stay positive and healthy. As a challenge, try to choose one activity to do each day, such as write in a gratitude journal, tell yourself one positive thing in the mirror each day, memorize a line of a poem or your best friend's phone number. Taking just a few minutes every day could really have you feeling more empowered and continue to keep you moving in a healthy direction.
You are important and you are making an effort with your mental health. Keep it up! As a challenge, try to take 15 minutes each day for a positive mental health activity. It could really have you feeling more empowered and continue to keep you moving in a healthy direction.
You are important and you are making a great effort in taking care of your mental health. Keep it up! As a challenge, try to take 10 minutes each day for a positive mental health activity. It could really have you feeling more empowered and continue to keep you moving in a healthy direction.
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Where is the effort to proactively take care of our mental health?
Did you know we sustain psychological injuries more often than physical ones? These injuries include failure, rejection and loneliness. Not only are these injuries unhealthy but they can kill you.
Loneliness causes:
- High blood pressure
- High cholesterol
- Suppresses the function of your immune system, making you more susceptible to illness and disease.
- Increases your likelihood of early death by 14%
- 1 in 5 Americans have a mental illness
- Suicide and Drug Overdoses are two of the top ten leading causes of death and are on the rise
Chronic loneliness possesses the same health risks of early death as smoking 15 cigarettes a day.
360 Focus Mental Health’s platform is designed to prevent mental health crisis through:
Educating individuals on how their mind impacts their mental health and overall wellness
Empowering individuals with tools and skills to develop productive lifestyles and healthy emotional responses
Proactively teach individuals how to tilt their brain to the positive to help with healthy inner dialogue
Providing a private and comfortable way to access clinicians before reaching a state of crisis
Building in red flags which help individuals know they matter and that they can connect with a click of a button to someone who cares.
Do you really have time for one more thing??? YES through Microlearning!
Microlearning allows your working memory to create a positive connection in under 10 minutes a day. Evidence shows working memory can hold between 3-4 chunks or pieces of information at one time. With repetition and use new information will become part of your daily life.
360 Focus Mental Health utilizes:
- Daily 1 min mental health check ins
- 3-minute educational videos
- Gamified platforms
Mental Health is costing U.S. based businesses over $500 billion a year.
Evidence suggests that early mental health intervention and prevention can have overall health and financial benefits. A 2019 American Heart Association study found that individual stress management interventions had a statistically significant positive effect on mental health outcomes in the workplace.
360 Focus Mental Health is a platform:
- Geared to the individual
- Engages Users
- Includes accountability
- Sends positive messages
Our platform also enables families, colleagues and individuals to have meaningful conversations about mental health focused on evidenced-based information they receive.
FUN micro lesson for your family tonight:
Thomas Adams, the father of chewing gum said, “Prevention is so much better than healing because it saves the labor of being sick.” It is interesting that he created chewing gum which can be a prevention tool when it comes to stress. Research shows when chewing gum, participants reported lower levels of anxiety. Gum chewers showed a reduction in anxiety as compared to non-gum chewers by nearly 17 percent during mild stress and nearly 10 percent in moderate stress. This is why in recent years schools have started to encourage students to chew gum during tests.
Focusing on mental health prevention is so much more fun than going to the dentist or the doctor in our opinion, so why not give it a try?